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Introduction to Research Writing

Language Focus

1. Sentences are too long

Due to the first language influence where they can include several supporting ideas in a sentence, Korean writers tend to write long sentences. In English, the main idea and supporting ideas are usually written in separate sentences. When you find a sentence that is too long (let’s say more than 55 words or so), try separating it into two sentences. You can use semicolons if you really want to stress the ideas.

2. Does the main character always have to come last?

For Korean students, there is a tendency to locate the most important idea at the end of the sentence. In English, it is often the other way around. For example, you can write “The structure was modified based on X” instead of “Based on X, the structure was modified.”

3. “and etc.”

The word “etc. (et cetera)” is used “at the end of a list to indicate that further, similar items are included.” (from Oxford Language Dictionary) In other words, it means “and others” or “and so forth.” Notice that the word has “and” included in its meaning. Hence, it is incorrect to use “and” before “etc.”.

Transitions you can use

Category Transition
Addition Also, and, besides, furthermore, in addition, in fact, indeed, moreover
Elaboration By extension, in other words, in short, that is, to put it another way, to put it bluntly, to put it succinctly
Example After all, as an illustration, consider, for example, for instance, specifically, to take a case in point
Cause & Effect Accordingly, as a result, consequently, hence, since, so, then, therefore, thus
Comparison Along the same lines, likewise, similarly, in the same way
Contrast Although, but, by contrast, conversely, despite, even though, however, in contrast, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, regardless, whereas, while, yet
Concession Admittedly, although it is true, granted, naturally
Conclusion As a result, consequently, hence, in conclusion, in short, in sum, therefore, thus, to sum up, to summarize