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Other Graduate Writings

Conference Papers

Why write conference papers?

Conference papers are a great way to share new ideas and refine your research questions as you can get assessed or feedback from colleagues and experts in the field. As a conference paper often consists of a written document followed by an oral presentation, your paper should follow the academic paper and oral presentation conventions. Think of a conference paper as a written document that summarizes your conference presentation. At an occasion where you are unable to hear the oral presentation, this paper can cover the details of the presentation for participants to study.

What is the format?

In general, a basic research paper format with introduction, methods, results, discussion/conclusion, and references can be used for your conference paper. Clearly state the purpose of the study and the conclusion.

How long should it be?

Oftentimes, inexperienced writers write too long. Think about how long you will be presenting. Typically, you will be asked to give an approximately 20-minute presentation at a conference. You probably do not need more than 10 pages for it.

What else?

The conference to which you are submitting your work may have guidelines that they require you to follow. This is not universal, so for each conference you plan to submit the paper, you need to check their requirements.
Hie-Myung Jo, Ed.D., Associate Director of the Institute of American Language and Culture, Fordham University, NY