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Other Graduate Writings

What is a Poster Presentation?

Essentially it is an expanded abstract (going into more detail about methods, results, and references) made into a poster format for easier visibility, digestion by readers, and greater clarity.

What should be included in a good poster?

As mentioned before, it is a ‘de facto expanded abstract’. A typical research poster template contains a combination of pictures, tables, graphs, and other elements used in presentations. This type of template is also known as a scientific poster template, an academic poster template or a science poster template. At conferences, researchers stand by their poster so they can talk about the topic more effectively.
The following considerations should also be made in order to construct a successful poster:
  • Be completely readable from up to 3 meters away.
  • It has a short title which catches the interest of the audience.
  • It has a word count of 300-800.
  • The text is both concise and clear.
  • Make it easier to read by using headlines, numbering, and bullets.
  • Use colors, fonts, and graphics effectively.
  • It has a clean and consistent layout.
  • It includes your name, the name of your institution (i.e. CNU + Department), and acknowledgments.

How should it be designed?

A cursory search on the Internet for ‘poster presentation templates’ should yield plenty of useful results. A few examples shall be included overleaf. However, it is important to consider the following points- at the very core, a research or scientific poster template serves as a visual representation of information which you have consolidated and organized into a format that’s easier to read.

Ideally, viewers must understand the content of your poster in a matter of minutes – it should not take hours!! Keep in mind the words CONCISE and SUCCINCT.

If you want to get the best results, make sure that your poster is well-designed, logical, and consistent.

Tips, rules, and final checks:

Less is more

When it comes to the design of your poster, you may want to go for a simpler layout instead of a loud, distracting one. Remember, this is an academic poster template. It is better to avoid adding cute graphics and other irrelevant elements to it. The simpler it is, the easier your viewers will understand it.

Avoid clutter

Cluttered posters aren’t appealing in the least. Using too many elements makes it difficult for viewers to find the most important information.

Perform a final check before having the poster printed

Before you have your poster printed, perform a final check on it. Make sure that everything looks great, you haven’t made any spelling or grammatical errors, and everything is easy to read and understand. Also consider the questions below…..

Is there a logical flow to all of the sections in the poster?

Remember that all the sections must flow smoothly from start to finish.

Is all the text easy to read?

Make sure all of the text stands out, especially the title and headings. Are all the images of a high-resolution? Zoom in to the images you have used to ensure their clarity. Will your viewers understand all of your data? Make sure that all non-text elements are easy to understand. If needed, include captions under them.

Have you highlighted/enlarged all of the most important information?

This is important as well so that your viewers can look at all of the highlighted information to get a quick overview of the content of your poster.
Attached are three downloadable templates for poster presentations in 2022 and beyond. Good luck~!

Philip King(Senior Instructor, Language Education Center, CNU)